Think mentorship should be more available

I started an organization.. got the back-office going all by myself, got a website up for it and even started a Kickstarter campaign to fund the core to the brainchild I think would work. I remember when #fightdifferent and #reform started.. was and remains the organizations inspiration.. culture, business, sports, etc. .. those institutions are inspiring and I just think there should be more help to grow momentum because with my very limited resources I’ve gotten good feedback from a very small group. If I had guidance and or mentorship.. I would really sprout fast. Everyone needs inspiration and is influenced. Sometimes it’s discouraging because I just can’t figure out how to reach a broader audience with my story or implement my ideas . I did 8 years for a violent crime that had no violence involved, etc. very interesting if I may say so myself. I’m all in, and I’d really appreciate any guidance or resources you may see fit. I really just want to be heard. I have experience, problems and practical solutions.

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